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2024-2025 Lutheran Liturgical Wall Calendar

2024-2025 Lutheran Liturgical Wall Calendar

Regular price $37.50 USD
Regular price Sale price $37.50 USD
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The 2024-2025 Lutheran Liturgical Wall Calendar is designed with the liturgical Lutheran in mind. Starting in Advent of 2024, keep your schedule in harmony with the Church's annual seasons, feasts, fasts, and commemorations.

Each calendar is printed and hand-bound in Minnesota through a collaborative production between All the Household and a professional printer/LCMS pastor, the Rev. Gregory Musolf of Messiah Lutheran Church in Forest Lake, MN.

The unique design by All the Household features:

  • December 2024–December 2025 format that follows the year of the Church (NEW this year is the inclusion of an extra month in the calendar, making it a 13-month layout, in case you also want your calendar to span the entire 2025 year)
  • the Sundays of the Church year, feasts, commemorations, Ember Days, and more
  • corresponding artwork from the era of the Reformation and stanzas from beloved Lutheran hymnody
  • NEW this year: the featured artwork for each month measures 8x10.5", perfect for reusing after the year has ended. Cut out the images and frame them to give the calendar a second life and display these Lutheran art pieces that correspond with the Church year.
  • Also NEW, due to customer feedback on least year's version, the internal pages of this year's calendar are printed on a lighter-weight yet sturdy 11x17" paper and provides ample planning space compatible with pen or pencil
  • sturdy metal coil binding and hook for ease of hanging
  • lectionary readings for the Sundays and major feasts of the Church year

Processing time

Orders placed before 12/10 are due to arrive in time for Christmas.

What's the difference between the historic lectionary and three-year lectionary calendars?

The majority of LCMS congregations follow one of two lectionary cycles, so we designed two calendars in order to accommodate both options, keeping their slight differences in holy days in mind.

NEW this year: both the historic lectionary and three-year lectionary calendars offer the lectionary readings, including the readings for the Sundays of the Church year and major feasts.

Thank you for supporting our small business!

Bulk Order Option

NEW this year: if you order 6 or more calendars you will automatically receive free shipping and a 5% discount at checkout. 

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